Saturday, April 19, 2008

Busy Day!!!

So Baileys' dance competition went well. If you notice in the orange shirts what a puny pants she is compared to the other girls in her class.
So I have only 2 kids, and let me tell you the running around gets crazy!!!Yet i LOVE it!! But I did realize today that 2 kids with different events requires 2 different cameras, so I may have to purchase an additional digital camera. Listen keep this on the down low theres a certain man in my life that is anti spending x a bajillion!!! So today Cannon and Bailey both had soccer games at 0900, bailey had a dance competition that lasted all day starting at 1000 and had to leave to join her friends at a birthday party!! Good times.. I was still able to fit in a little trip to the gym to run which was quickly cancelled out by my two chocolate chip cookies and picking at the cookie dough oh, and a handful of 'mike and ikes'.. my goal is to at least maintain the chubbiness!!!!

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

Listen to your voice mail and CONFESS!!!!