Monday, April 21, 2008


This dog has turned into such a little rat, and a scavenger. Every time I enter a room if the kids have left any food . He's gotten to it. When I went upstairs he had is face actually stuck in this cheeto bag and he was in heaven.


Mary Mills said...

This picture reminds me of my crew. If any food is left out they will find it and finsih it up for us.
Happy Birthday to the birthday girl. Looks like the day was so much fun!!!!! How fun to share a birthday with a friend.
I am glad to see you are back on line. I kept looking in on you and wonder where you were.

The Redhead said...

I think I have found myself in this exact position, Im a sucker for a good bag of cheetos....and they have to be crunchy. I hear ya Rudy, loud and clear!