Monday, November 24, 2008

Finally FIVE!!!

So birthdays are the biggest day of the year at our house. (I think I get this from my gma Slagle)... SO in our house this kid is tops!!! He loves everything pirate and lego and lego pirates!! We did a party at home on the big day, we celebrated at school, we went to dinner to Blue Bird (his fav. place to eat where he classicaly orders plain noodles???) and then this last Sat. we invited 15 little pirates to help finish off the festivities!!!


Life seems to go bye faster everyday.. My kids are sooo over me making them cutesy costumes. so this year I had a teenage mutant ninja turtle and a devil. We had so many parties the week of Halloween that by the time the actual day rolled around we were Halloweened out!! I planned the third grade party and Chris orchestrated the party all on his own. What a man!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Catch up

This summer I ran the Ragnar Relay with some Dr.'s and their wives from my work, It was so much fun!! I then spent the rest of the summer working in San Antonio and managing the ER their. It was a lot of work, and I chalked up the frequent flier miles going back and forth. Chris and his friends from the army met for a wedding in Las Vegas, which we will not mention the details of... Then the last picks are recent picks of us and the kids caveing and making up for lost time!!

catching up...

So.. Since I haven't been "blogging" all summer I thought I'd catch you up on our lives... This summer my kids spent most of their time touring the east coast with their grandparents and having the time of their lives!!! I am happy to let them go for this time since they only see the family in Vermont once sometimes twice a year. They went to Maine, spent time in Connecticut at the lake house in vermont and at their great grandparents in New York.. Never a dull moment..

This summer Cannon learned to ride a two wheeler, Bailey was voted MVP of her soccer league and became quite the water skiier!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lost my place in line

Some how , somewhere I got lost.... Those who know me knowwhat that means...... But I'm back and that means I'll be back to blogging too.... I don't know what life holds for me or my family, and I have no answers but..... This is not my worst day.......(thats for my mom)



Friday, May 23, 2008

She comes ALIVE!!

Never under estimate her sweetness for a lack of competiveness.. We stopped paying her for soccer goals because we're broke, she amazed us as she started ski jumping this year, she scales the side of walls in seconds flat and add super speed to her list!! DO I sound like a proud parent?? I am proud of her.. If you know we call her debbie downer, u would know we celebrate the things that make her come ALIVE!!! like sports!!! I love this picture on the side , shes the one cheering in the yellow shirt (she made the goal) look at the girls in blue look at their faces it's hysterical!!


Today was the Wildcat Run at Baileys' school and I haven't stop smiling since!!! Bailey has been practicing running a mile at night and doing pretty good.... SO I started the run with her and I had Cannon in the baby jogger. We have encouraged her a lot not to give up even if she's tired. SO I saw my friend Amy on the side and dumped the baby jogger and Cannon with her and told Bai I would catch back up, it was slowing me down. Well I booked it to where Bailey was and the kids had seperated by now. She was in the lead of the girls and only 2 boys were in front of her.. When I saw her I was overwhelmed !!! SO I caught up and her and I started picking up the pace.. SHe was exhausted and her side hurt.. I kept telling her pain was weakness leaving her body ( I know I should've been a marine)... We came around the last corner and she said she couldn't make it, just then she caught a glimpse of her dad's jeep , she looked at me and said "is he here mom?" I said he's probably waiting for you at the finish line, she started to cry and started running harder!!! She then saw him and we all went to the end together !!! Bailey was the first girl to finish and she was number 4!!!! I am always proud of her but today was even more proud!! Her little friend Zoe sprinted at the end and the two of them claimed a tie!!! What a great day -plus plus!!!

after math

after the baptism we went to FIREHOUSe pizza compliments of my wonderful mom!!! LOVE HER!!

It's Great to Be EIGHT!!!!

so the story about Baileys' outfit is funny. Because we decided at last minute to do baptism we called to borrow one from the ward. I had worked fri night before baptism until 12 pm , when I got home our primary president had dropped it off and when I saw it I about died!!! If you know me at all I will be living out of a box and go broke off of the amt of clothes i buy. Even if we are poor it doesn't mean I will ever look poor!!Or unfashionable!! So Bailey woke up the next morning in hysterics when she saw it, she says " im not going to wear that freaky outfit" I called my mom with the drama but it was 0800 on a sat. morning , what do you do??? My dad talked to Bailey to assure her that it didn't matter and that her after dress was simple and fabulous!!!

Ok, so the baptism finally worked out.!! At first we were going to wait to have Bailey baptized but she really wanted to be baptized the same day as Zoe.. So we went back and forth for months because Chris wasn't going to be able to be there- but it all worked out in the end and I am so glad!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

not a care in the world

These two kill me, wherever you find Cannon you can find the dog. Rudie will juse go along for whatever ride cannon forces him in too. Never mind my four year old is riding in the barbie car. He also is wearing a pink shirt which he hates and he asked me "am I going to school today? and is anybody going to see me? " when I said no he would then agree to the pink shirt.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Birthday Bash!!!!

Ok so what do 5 eight year olds at a sleep over equal????? ONE TIRED MOM!!!! (jk, anyone that actually knows me , knows I live for this stuff.) SO here was the ajenda.... We made pizzas, bedazzled t shirts, decorated cookies, made ice cream sundaes, made gift bags, opened presents and then popped popcorn and watched Nancy Drew!!!! GOTA LOVE BEING YOUNG!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


This dog has turned into such a little rat, and a scavenger. Every time I enter a room if the kids have left any food . He's gotten to it. When I went upstairs he had is face actually stuck in this cheeto bag and he was in heaven.

Half way through and so far so good!!

Here's the two birthday girls in matching outfits!!

Here we are at the nail salon
Both of them were nervous for the boy to do their nails, so Zoe went with the lady. The funny thing is this nice man was actually very nice and the lady couldn't speak english; so when she wanted Zoe to move her hand or hold still shed swat her fingers. IT was hysterical.