Friday, May 23, 2008

She comes ALIVE!!

Never under estimate her sweetness for a lack of competiveness.. We stopped paying her for soccer goals because we're broke, she amazed us as she started ski jumping this year, she scales the side of walls in seconds flat and add super speed to her list!! DO I sound like a proud parent?? I am proud of her.. If you know we call her debbie downer, u would know we celebrate the things that make her come ALIVE!!! like sports!!! I love this picture on the side , shes the one cheering in the yellow shirt (she made the goal) look at the girls in blue look at their faces it's hysterical!!


The Redhead said...

Im always glad to see the you're bloggin again. Oh how I love my little Bailey. You go girl! The last pic is my fave! NO MERCY!

Di said...

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday. You seemed to have dropped off the blogging planet again (Havin' fun in Texas) so I hope you see this some time soon :)
Hope you had a wonderful day!